
A dragonfly perching on our washing line. I think this species is known as the common tigertail, obviously because of the yellow and black markings on its rear part. It is part of the family of clubtail dragonflies.

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Golden silk orb-weaver

The golden silk orb-weaver is one of the largest spiders in our garden. The large female weaves a strong, yellowish web and catches anything that finds itself entangled. The much smaller male doesn’t need a lot of food, but I’m sure he shares every now and then.

Photo taken in Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa

Honor the small

We have a saying in the Netherlands, “Wie’t kleine niet eert, is’t grote niet weert”. It means something like ‘if you don’t honor the small, you’re  not worthy of the great’. It is what I say to myself if I pick up a penny that someone dropped.

But I think it’s also true for nature and photography. You don’t always have to go for the big and the dramatic – the elephants, lions, and the like. If you just step outside and pay attention to the smallest details, you may find even greater beauty!