Early morning

A misty Friday morning again – I’m getting good at predicting when the circumstances will be right. This morning, I woke up at a quarter to 5:00, saw that there was some mist over the wet areas of the field in front of our house, and decided to go to the fens for sunrise. My husband complained a little, but decided to join as well. It was another beautiful morning!

Goodbye to the forest

It’s time to say goodbye to this beautiful forest where we have lived the past two months. Tomorrow we will be moving to another temporary home, this time within Hermen’s new congregation. It’s a good spot as well, so I’m looking forward to discovering the photographic opportunities there!

Rise and shine

This morning we waited for the sun to rise on a hill overlooking Pretoria. It didn’t happen. It’s still cold and grey outside. Luckily, this is a tradition, and three years ago we were here too, so I give you an old photo. Meanwhile we trust that the rising of the sun – even though it happened behind the clouds – marks a new day and new life. Happy Easter!